Crown Jewel Card Show


Press and Media Feed!


Press and Media Feed!


Press and Media Feed!

Dear Patrons and Vendors of the Inaugural Crown Jewel Card Show,

As the echoes of excitement and camaraderie from our first Crown Jewel Card Show still resonate, we find ourselves overwhelmed with gratitude and joy. The event unfolded into a spectacular success, setting a new benchmark for sports card shows in Rhode Island. To each patron and vendor who contributed to this historic milestone, we extend our sincerest appreciation.

A Celebration of Collectors: Your presence transformed The Crown Jewel Card Show into a vibrant celebration of the collector’s spirit. From the eager enthusiasts exploring the aisles to the seasoned vendors passionately sharing their treasures, the atmosphere was charged with the unmistakable energy of a community bound by a shared love for sports cards.

Record-Breaking Turnout: This year’s show witnessed a record-breaking turnout, making it the largest in Rhode Island history. The sheer enthusiasm and passion displayed by all attendees elevated the event to unprecedented heights, and for that, we thank you.

Gratitude to Our Vendors: A special note of gratitude goes out to our exceptional vendors. Your dedication to curating outstanding collections and creating engaging experiences for patrons played a pivotal role in the show’s success. Each booth was a testament to the diversity and richness of the sports card collecting community.

Collective Achievements: Together, we achieved something extraordinary. The Crown Jewel Card Show became more than an event; it became a gathering of kindred spirits, a celebration of the stories encapsulated in each card, and a testament to the enduring allure of sports card collecting.

Looking to the Future: As we reflect on the success of this year’s show, we are inspired and motivated to continue bringing you exceptional experiences in the world of sports cards. Your support fuels our passion, and we are committed to making each subsequent event even more memorable.

Thank You, Champions! To every patron and vendor who contributed to The Crown Jewel Card Show’s monumental success, you are the true champions of this event. Your enthusiasm, warmth, and dedication are the pillars upon which this community stands.

Here’s to the memories created, the treasures discovered, and the connections forged at The Crown Jewel Card Show 2023. Thank you for being part of history and making this show the grandest in Rhode Island history!

With heartfelt appreciation,

The Crown Jewel Card Show Team 🏆